Arts, Entertainment & Recreation
The arts, entertainment and recreation sector is a coverall term for three sectors that overlap in many aspects. The U.S. Department of Labor breaks down the three sectors into 1) performing arts and spectator sports, 2) museums and historical sites and 3) amusement and gambling. In each of these sectors, there is a focus on providing people with fun activities. In order to have these types of activities, there is a lot of paperwork that is done behind the scenes.
Whether you work in photography, music, run a recreation center, or oversee rides at amusement parks, paperwork is most likely one of the downsides of the job. If less time could be spent on paperwork, more time would be available for the other, more rewarding, parts of the job.
In the GoCanvas collection of arts, entertainment and recreation mobile apps, you can find customizable amusement park inspection checklists, on-the-job training sheets, long-term contracts, spectator sports venue regulations, performing arts donation request forms and many other templates related to the recreation industry.
Once you have completed the fields in an app, a PDF is generated and saved to the secure GoCanvas Cloud. This is a handy way to store all of your arts, entertainment and recreation PDFs in one place.
See how our mobile apps for authorizations, schedules, contracts, inspections, waivers and releases can help you and other workers on your team move items along faster.
Easy access to data is key to success in the digital world. Our order forms reports and checklists help you arrange, schedule and track all the most critical facets of your work. GoCanvas checklists templates are totally customizable and available on any mobile device or PC. Our apps can help you prepare forms, write contracts and manage reports - which can all be distributed and organized as PDFs.